Green enrollment: a sustainable travel discount on the registration fee is 100 euro. This reduction is available for international participants (living outside The Netherlands) who avoid travel by plane and commit to travel by public transportation (train). You must be able to present proof of travelling by public transportation afterwards.
Regular registration both days €350, green enrollment for both days €250.
Abstract submission is closed
*Abstract submission is only possible with a conference registration, submission deadline was 15 January 2025.
*For participants all abstracts for Oral and Poster presentations will be available on the 3rd of March 2025.
Standard registration
Green enrollment
Other information
Only by means of an (online) iDEAL or credit card payment.
Cancellations before the 1st of February 2025 will receive their registration fee deducted by €100,-. Cancellations after the 1st of February will be fully charged the registration fee.